First Plane Ride...
Ok, everyone who knows me knows that I had a great fear of airplanes. I don't really know why. I've never flown before and my office building is right by the airport. So, I watch airplanes take-off and land every day. I'm guessing the fear came about after watching some Lifetime movie a long time ago where an airplane tore apart and had to land with a huge section that was blown off. It was pretty graphic and I won't go into details, as it might bring my fear back.
Anywho, I faced my fear and took my first plane ride to Orlando, Florida! I have to admit, I was pretty nervous at first, but my niece kept me busy while we entertained her in the terminal before we boarded the plane.
Once we boarded, the plane taxi'd to the runway. It gained speed and off we go into the night sky! It was amazing! I had such a great time that when we flew home, I asked to be in the window seat so I could take pictures! I appreciate everyone who wanted me to call them after we landed to see how my first flight experience went. Thanks for the support! LOL I'm now ready to fly anywhere! haha...
Check out a few pics:

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